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European countries are cautiously reopening for summer travel

European leaders are arranging to lift some coronavirus-related travel restrictions and allow tourism to resume cautiously following long months of lock downs. Domestic travels atop the revival plans with international flights next later on or partial lifted.


While appearing in the press earlier on, European Union economic affairs commissioner, Paolo Gentiloni  said that their message was that they would have a tourist season this summer even if it was to be with security limitations.

Such prevention measures comprise of updating health protocols for hotels and public transit and expanding contact-tracing between member states. The major goal by the Commission is “to help the EU tourism sector recover from the pandemic, by supporting businesses and ensuring that Europe continues to be the number one destination for visitors.”

However, there are some predominant regulations key of them being that non-European tourists will have to wait until at least June 15 to begin their visits. But much of the loosening of restrictions will be left up to individual nations.

United Kingdom, France and Ireland have agreed to allow travel with in their boarders less of 14-day quarantine in the final destination.

Elsewhere, Countries are planning of howto comfort the ‘new normal’. For example in the Spanish town of Canet d’en Berenguer, officials are accounting for social distancing with a system allowing beachgoers to book appointments on the sand via mobile app with online payments.

Management at the beach plans to divide it into a grid of socially distanced sites, with staggered arrival times and the option to choose either a morning or afternoon slot (but not both). In all, the restrictions will allow for a maximum of 5,000 people per day, about half of the beach’s normal capacity.

Canet d’en Berenguer town Mayor Pere Joan Antoni Chordá while speaking to the press said that this summer would be very different.

“There’ll be more space between your neighbor. Like a ‘business-class’ beach.”


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