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Letshego Uganda refutes claims on Cheated loans Scam

On Thursday 21st May 2020, a story published in New Vision titled 5,000 teachers and policemen cheated in Loans Scam where it is alleged that Letshego Uganda customers including; teachers and policemen were fraudulently compelled to refund money lent to them is Untrue. 


In 2015, through Letshego branches, there were complaints related to loan disbursements where applicants from districts like Iganga, Jinja and Luwero were raising queries pertaining to deductions being made from their salary and yet they hadn’t applied for the loan (s).

Letshego reported a case at Jinja road police station, vide Police Ref/CRB2979/2015 and Gef 29/2019. Letshego continues to cooperate with the Police to ensure these cases are logically concluded.

“We wish to emphasize that Letshego is the victim because it is the institution that lost money and not a beneficiary of the fraud. At Letshego, we are bound by Customer Protection guidelines issued by UMRA (Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority) which embody transparency and integrity. We cannot cheat customers who we open doors every day to serve and the ONLY reason we exist,” remarked Roger Mugisha Shillingi, head of corporate communications Letshego.

On the other side, early last month, Letshego Uganda offered repayment holiday to its borrowers in Tourism, Leisure and hospitality among other sectors to unburden them during COVID-19 pandemic.

Different Heads of States, in their response to the pandemic, have implored the business community to augment government’ initiatives to offer financial relief to their customers and specifically lenders to offer repayment holidays and loan restructuring to their customers. It is in this regard that Letshego Uganda; a subsidiary of Letshego Holdings, a premier financial services company based in Botswana and with a footprint in 11 African countries adhered to the call.

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