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Uganda Establishes Embassy in South Korea, Eyes $500 Million Economic Boost

Uganda and South Korea are strengthening their bilateral ties, highlighted by significant developments at the ongoing Korea-Africa Summit in Seoul. Led by Vice President Jessica Alupo, Uganda’s high-level delegation is working to enhance economic cooperation and form new partnerships.


A major highlight is Uganda’s decision to open a permanent embassy in South Korea, marking a deeper commitment to capitalizing on the ten existing Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) between the two countries. Additionally, two new MoUs focusing on trade and investment promotion, as well as loan financing, are expected to be signed during the Summit. These agreements aim to create a stable environment for Korean investors entering the Ugandan market.

“We’re thrilled about the prospects of a trade agreement and the potential increase in Korean loan commitments,” stated Ugandan Foreign Ministry official Okello Oryem. He mentioned plans to propose several infrastructure and energy projects for Korean funding, which could potentially unlock up to $500 million in concessional loans over the next five years. This financial support is expected to significantly advance Uganda’s development goals.

South Korea views Uganda as a key strategic partner in Africa. Deputy Foreign Minister Chung Byung-won reaffirmed Korea’s commitment to sharing knowledge and technology. Collaborative efforts will focus on capacity building, technology transfer, and skill development to boost Uganda’s industrial growth and prepare its workforce for the future.

The Korea-Africa Summit provides a platform for extensive knowledge exchange and partnership building. The Ugandan delegation will engage in various side events addressing critical sectors such as tourism development, agricultural advancement, and healthcare security. Discussions on developing Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) infrastructure will also be a central focus. A separate Business Summit at Lotte Hotel Seoul will further explore opportunities for industrialization, trade promotion, and job creation.

This comprehensive engagement between Uganda and South Korea marks a new era in their bilateral relations. By leveraging South Korea’s financial resources and technological expertise, Uganda is poised to accelerate its sustainable development journey. This strategic partnership promises significant benefits for both nations, driving economic growth and fostering a prosperous future.

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