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UWA successfully traps down strayed lions from Queen Elizabeth National Park

Last Week, The Uganda Wildlife Authority game rangers successfully captured three lions said to have escaped from Queen Elizabeth National Park to Kiyege village, Kabirizi parish, Katwe Subcounty in Kasese district.


The incident happened on Thursday 3rd January as Uganda Wildlife game wardens tracked down and translocated the wild animals back to the park as part of their rescue mission so as to avoid cases of human wildlife conflict that would arise as result of harm caused to the people in surrounding areas, their livestock and gardens.

This is not the first time this happens, in 2015, a lion was killed by UWA on  17th February 2015 after Authorities received  information that a lion had crossed to the community land in Burungamo village, Ngarama sub county, Isingiro district and had become a big threat to the community residents, information was immediately sent to Lake Mburo National Park and a team of rangers led by Assistant Warden in charge of problem animals went to the area by 1pm only to find a big crowd already gathered and closely chasing the  animal  using stones, spears, sticks, matchetes among other objects as efforts to calm down the crowd by both Police led by Isingiro DPC and UWA went futile after it was said that the lion had already injured  three people including those that were chasing it and was therefore stirred up and wild. However, the crowd managed to cool it down as it (lion) rested in the thickets as more and more residents kept coming in numbers.

The surging crowd became more bitter hence throwing stones and sticks causing the lion to start moving as community people chased it and as was approaching Kyakabindi trading centre, the situation became more intense as people increased in number and therefore to avoid further injuries on residents by the lion, Uganda Wildlife team of rangers chose to put it down to rest professionally at around 5:30pm, the carcass was proceeded to Lake Mburo National Park for post mortem and conservation.



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