On Monday June 23rd 2020, the first batch of Ugandans that had earlier been stranded in other countries due to the Covid-19 pandemic returned back to Uganda from Turkey. This was in a repatriation flight organized by the Ugandan government and respective embassies world over.
Other repatriations flight followed thereafter with Ugandans coming from Sudan, Belgium, South Africa and Netherlands in the proceeding days.
In the same spirit, the Ugandan ministry of Foreign Affairs has continued to put up all the necessary endeavors to see all the stranded Ugandans come back home safe. It’s through this initiative that an updated repatriation schedule emerged from the ministry over the weekend as a way to have Ugandans back home safely.
The list clearly details the date on which a specific repatriation is to take place, the number of passengers that will be on board, the country from which the flight will depart from and other details. Bellow is the updated list as provided by the Ugandan ministry of foreign affairs.
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