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Uganda to celebrate World Tourism Day in the new city of Fort Portal

The Ministry of Tourism, wildlife and antiquities is set to celebrate the forth coming World Tourism Day in the newly created city of Fort Portal with strings of events already being undertaken so as to make the celebrations a success.


The celebrations which will run under the theme; Tourism and Community Development, and are sort to be attended by a few numbers due to the Corona related issues while ensuring the ministry of health set Standard operating Procedures, one of the bottle necks that will affect the full-scale celebration especially with the community members’ attendance.

“We celebrate world tourism day this year in the most uncertain of times. As you all know, we are experiencing the worst health pandemic in our lifetime,” Tourism minister Kiwanda Godfrey commented during a presser organized by the Tourism ministry.

This year’s theme sets focus on the plight of rural communities and the contribution Tourism can make in transforming livelihoods. As anticipated, this year’s celebrations will be climaxed on 27th September; the International World Tourism Day and will be held in Fort Portal city, Kabarole District.

Fort portal was earlier a town with in Kabarole District but earned City status during the recent passing of Parliament to elevate some key towns to city status. The city parades unique and un usual landscapes not forgetting her wonderful people which all explains Uganda,

That not being enough, Fort portal doubles with the best instances explaining how communities have been transformed through Tourism which echoes the year’s theme.

During a presser organized by the Tourism ministry, Tourism minister Kiwanda Godfrey said “Fort portal has recently been declared a tourism City and we want to join the celebration but also engage leadership at an early stage to guide that development to greater heights.”

The minister also used the occasion to recognise and celebrate the silver jubilee anniversary of the reign of King Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi the fourth.

“The king has led his people with steadfast vision and mobilised them into a developmental force that evokes pride in the region. We celebrate world tourism day this year in the most uncertain of times of the pandemic. We therefore need to strengthen our resolve in following the preventive guidelines and equally seek treatment and isolate when we get infected,” he added.

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